My Approach to Counselling
"My self confidence depends on the fact
that I have discovered my dimensions.
It does not become me
to make myself less than I am "
-E. Soderheim
Co-creating with my Clients
By being creative about my work, I hope to encourage creative life skills in my clients, as well as an attitude of exploration and excitement toward the process of self discovery.
As an artist I have made art quilts. In making a quilt I selected fabrics according to their dimensions of colour, texture and shape. Then, by bringing them together I was able to express my intended message. In counselling we parallel that process. We bring together elements of our lives, shift their dimensions and integrate them into a whole which expresses who we most want to be.
If our relationship with Self and the World is eroded and we have trouble finding the resources we need to thrive, grow and love, a sense of isolation pervades our lives and we struggle to feel connected. By exploring the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental aspects of life altering experiences in our work together, it is my hope that my clients can move toward a greater sense of the richness of life. In this process I emphasise the importance of creating a practice of conscious living which, in advancing years, adapts to suit each individual’s values and lifestyle choices
I combine traditional counselling skills with a somatic and attachment theory based focus. I will ask thought provoking questions, explore options and connections, and clarify priorities. I encourage creative activities as a medium for personal growth. I often combine these with suggestions of relevant reading and other resources so that the client may increase their personal awareness and more effectively integrate new personal perceptions and perspectives.
Some questions we might explore:
How can I create more meaning in my life ?
How can I best express who I am at this time in my life ?
What are my present day responsibilities ?
What do I want more of in my life?
Due to the ongoing threat of viral infection, my appointments with clients will be via Zoom. Given the demographics of my clients, and my own vulnerability due to my age, I find this the only solution to continuing to provide really safe services. Zoom saves some of us from complete isolation, creating connections where few sometimes exist, and where difficulties, which have become more than can be managed alone, can be shared.
Please see my article "Aging with Integrity" for more information on my perspective of the concerns of older women.